Friday, May 18, 2012

Graduation Games

Mirror Mirror on the wall who's the vainest or stupidest County Executive of

Mike Hein

The other night at the SUNY Ulster Commencement, he refused to wear his cap, was it
vain or stupidity? 

You decide.

Proper academic regalia is required for all candidates who participate in any
Commencement Ceremony - that includes the dignitaries on the stage.

The crowd was abuzz about how Mike Hein refused to wear his cap when he
addressed the graduates.

It was just disrespectful to the institution.

The graduates would not be allowed to get their diploma if they didn't wear
their cap.

What a poor example the County Executive set.

Then in true Mike Hein fashion, after he spoke, he left, right in the middle of
the ceremony.

That was after he gave a shout out to a member of his family that was

They were important enough to get the should out from Uncle Mike during his
speech, not not important enough for Uncle Mike to stay.

Hein's speech was all about Mike Mike Mike Mike Mike.

Mike Hein's reputation of not staying for events, and not wanting to pay to
attend events is growing large than his oversized ego.

We won't even mention the buzz about Mike wanting to sell the President's house,
and the threats that he has made to cut the SUNY Ulster budget if they don't
sell the house.

Other buzz that just won't go away... and Hein is the one keeping it alive.

Once again Hein said that he was the first member of his family to ATTEND

If you were the first to GRADUATE from college wouldn't you say that?

There is a big difference between ATTENDING college and GRADUATING from college.

But maybe it's only a big difference to those that have graduated.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Follow the Law

Hector Rodriguez of New Paltz submitted a resolution providing a mechanism for removal of the Chairman of the Legislature, that has proven to be nothing more than a cheap political stunt, that sources say he pulled for Minority Leader David Donaldson.

But that is something that Hector is intimately familiar with - political stunts for political allies.

Just a few years ago Hector Rodriguez, a New Paltz Democrat, gave up a $54,000-a-year job as Comptroller Alan Hevesi's Hudson Valley regional representative.

He took the job after working in Hevesi's election campaign and worked in both the New Windsor and Albany offices.

Rodriguez resigned in disgrace after he alledgely faxed political material from the New Windsor office.

"It is absolutely forbidden to use any state facility of any kind for any campaign or political purpose," a representative from Hevisi's office said, "It will not be tolerated."

Dave Donaldson, the leader of the 16 Democrats in the county Legislature, agreed Rodriguez's action was an ethics violation.

But, he said, the comptroller's office has strict standards.

"In many places, it would be a slap on the hand," Donaldson said.

The Democratic leader did not see any impact on Rodriguez's role as a county legislator. He is paid $10,000 a year in that slot.

According to these statements, both Donaldson and Rodriguez seem to be unfamiliar with State Law.

"State officers and employees are often interested in seeking elected political office or volunteering for political campaigns. However, in doing so, they must ensure that they do not violate the law, including the Code of Ethics, contained in Public Officers Law §74.
In general, State officers and employees are charged to pursue a course of conduct that will not raise suspicion among the public that they are likely to be engaged in acts in violation of the public trust."

The advice straight from the NYS Commission on Public Integrity spells it out for those that don't quite understand the "State Law":

"Refrain from using any State resources to aid the campaign. This rule applies to telephones, office supplies, postage, photocopying machines or support staff assistance"

A slap on the hand? Really Dave?

Since both Donaldson and Rodriguez had such difficulty understanding that State Law, it's understandable why they have such trouble understanding the State Law that sets the term of the Chairman of the Legislature.

State Law sets the term of Chairman at one year, and only someone with an ego the size of Rodriguez and Donaldson would think that THEY could change State Law by a resolution of the Ulster County Legislature.

E-mails from Dave Donaldson show that he, A GOVERNMENT TEACHER FOR THE DUTCHESS COUNTY SCHOOLS, doesn't even know basic facts about government.

From Dave Donaldson "I realize that every member of the legislature that has served prior to Langdon and Erika arriving were operating through an ignorance of the rules and now we have been enlightened, but am I to believe that a Chairman of the Legislature can commit a felony and still can't be removed by the body. There has to be methods of removal.

Counsel's response to Donaldson: In response to Minority Leader Donaldson’s question as to whether the conviction of the Chairman of the Legislature of a felony, would permit the removal of the Chairman by the body, the answer is that upon conviction of a felony, the Chairman would forfeit his or her right to public office under the Public Officers Law, Section 30. Action by the County Legislature would not and could not happen because the Chairman would have already been removed by operation of law.

I also note that not just the conviction of a felony can be cause for removal. Any crime which involves a violation of the oath of office can cause removal. That said, the question of criminal convictions is inapplicable due to Public Officers Law, Section 30.

Dave, it's called the oath that you took when you were sworn into office, you can't violate it.

Let's just hope that Donaldson is not teaching Public Officers Law to the school children in Dutchess County.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Road Rage

This item was forwarded to the Crusader:

"Word to the wise if you're going to drive like a deranged A hole, not use turn signals, cut off other drivers and then stick your head out the window to yell at them be sure you don't have a face everyone knows and a license plate that reads UL 33.. maybe David Donaldson should take an anger management course, does the county offer those?"

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Quid Pro Quo

Robin Yess & her group of maladjusted malcontents have launched an all out assault on Ulster County GOP Chair Roger Rascoe and Legislature Chair Terry Bernardo.  Yess is on any real/imagined misstep like stink on a monkey.  What is her motive?

One, obviously, is revenge.  She has a gripe with Rascoe, who forced her to resign as County GOP Chair in disgrace.  She battled with Bernardo and her husband Len (Chair of the county Independence Party) and lost - big time.  But, if one looks a little deeper under the surface, it's clear that Yess is nothing more than a pawn in Mike Hein's plan to control every aspect of county government.

Lets look at the evidence.  During her short term, Yess tried long and hard to make sure Hein did not have a opponent.  Then, she took the public lead on Hein's pet issue - selling the county nursing home. 

Now, lets look at the reward.  After quitting as GOP Chair, reliable sources tell the Crusader that Hein arranged for an interview for Yess for a high-level state position.  Yess did not get the job.  Hein, however, appears to have Yess on the hook again.

Terry Bernardo became the Chair of the UC Legislature in January.  Her goal is to professionalize the Legislature's operations and make the body an effective counterweight to Hein.  But, Bernardo has faced constant attacks from the troika of Dave Donaldson, Yess and Hein.  Hein has used Yess and Donaldson as his pawn's to keep the Legislature divided so the power-hungry Exec can amass even more power. 

Yess was seen recently leaving a private meeting with Hein last week.  Was she getting her marching orders or did Hein promise her a county job for her efforts?  That remains to be seen.

When reading the next Yess lame-o-gram, keeping in mind that she's nothing but the puppet of Hein.  Yess claims she's for protecting taxpayers when all she's interested in is finding a job for herself.